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Can't get my Block to fully work with Reaktor

I read this support article

over how to get your Block's 5D feature to work with Reaktor , but neither of the two attached files get imported into Reaktor.

I get the message that they are not valid Reaktor files.

Can anyone please tell me how I could fix this ?

Best Answer

Hi Mehrdad,

What version of Reaktor are you using? These were created with Reaktor 6, so if you're using an earlier version that might explain why you're receiving this message.


Hi Mehrdad,

The attachments in this article are compressed ZIP files, so you can simply uncompress them (for example, on MacOS, by double-clicking on them them, or by right-clicking and then selecting Open With > Archive Utility). Once you've uncompressed these files, Reaktor should be able to read Seaboard.mdl (the macro) and ROLI-Seaboard.ens (the demonstration ensemble).

Please let us know if you have any more questions.


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I know the files were zips and I have extracted them its the mdl and ens files that Reaktor says are not valid files.


Hi Mehrdad,

What version of Reaktor are you using? These were created with Reaktor 6, so if you're using an earlier version that might explain why you're receiving this message.


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Thanks. Yes that seemed to be the solution as I was using Reaktor 5. I upgraded to 6 and problem was solved.


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