Bitwig is a very compatible DAW for recording and editing the BLOCKS' multi-dimensional MIDI data. Setting up is very simple, and Bitwig’s own instruments are MPE compatible so full BLOCKS expressivity is easy to achieve.
ROLI Dashboard allows you to use every element of BLOCKS. You can modify the layout, control the parameters and much more.
In this guide, we’ll look at how to set up BLOCKS with ROLI Dashboard to play in Bitwig, and how to fine-tune Bitwig’s built-in instruments to respond to each of the Blocks' dimensions of touch.
- Setting Up
- Changing Modes
- Setting Bitwig’s built-in instruments to respond to the BLOCK's dimension’s of touch
Setting Up
BLOCKS uses multiple channels of MIDI to achieve polyphonic dimensions of touch. Bitwig is very compatible with BLOCKS because it accommodates multiple MIDI channels on a single track which can host a multi-timbral plug-in like Equator. Bitwig’s built-in instruments can also be easily set up to respond to BLOCKS' dimensions of touch.
Step 1: Set up your Block in ROLI Dashboard
With your Lightpad or Seaboard Block connected to your computer, launch ROLI Dashboard.
Lightpad Block
With your Lightpad Block selected, choose the Note Grid app to load it onto your Block. Click "Edit" to edit the app's settings.
Underneath "Mode," select "MPE." This will set the Lightpad Block to a 5x5 note grid with full 5D expression.
If you'd like, you may change the Lightpad's scale, octave, and other Pitch, Play Mode, or 5D Settings.
Seaboard Block
To use your Seaboard Block, with it selected in the Visualizer its default app will automatically be loaded. Click "Edit" to edit the settings, and then beneath "Mode" select "MPE." This will set the Seaboard Block to 5D expression using MPE. If you'd like you may change the Seaboard's 5D Settings so that its responsiveness suits your playing style.
Step 2: Create an Instrument Track
- Open a Bitwig project.
- In the Arrange section, right-click and select "Add Instrument Track"
- Select a multi-timbral plug-in. In this example, we’re using Equator2.
- Enable MPE by clicking on the plugin name, and then selecting the "MPE" button next to "Use MPE" in the Inspector Panel.
Step 3: Select the BLOCK in Preferences
- Click on the Dashboard button at the top of the screen.
- Go to Settings➝ Controllers.
- Click on "Add controller"➝ ROLI "Seaboard RISE".
- In the MIDI In and MIDI Out drop-down menus, select "Lightpad Block" or "Seaboard Block".
- Set the bend range to 48 and rename the controller as appropriate.
Step 4: Select the track’s MIDI Input
In the Inspector panel, select the Lightpad or Seaboard Block as the MIDI input.

Now that you have finished setting up your Block to control multi-timbral synths, you can play and record as normal.
Step 5: Changing your Equator2 sound
You can open the Equator2 plug-in window to edit the sound by pressing the small icon of the plug-in in the Device panel at the bottom of the screen.
Can’t see the device panel shown above? Click this icon at the very bottom of the window to show Bitwig’s device panel:
Changing Modes
The Lightpad Block can be used in a variety of ways in Bitwig. From XYZ Pad mode to Fader Block mode, your Lightpad Block can be set for performing instruments, controlling faders, and much more.
- Go to ROLI Dashboard
- Highlight your Lightpad Block in the visualizer
- Select the XYZ Pad app to load it onto your Lightpad
Assigning 4 different instruments:
Bitwig assigns MIDI CC messages to parameters by "Map to controller or key" function. (also known as MIDI Learn). In this example, we'll assign 4 different instruments simultaneously to the XY Instrument, one to each corner. This is a very powerful sound design tool, but the Lightpad Block adds another dimension, "Z", with pressure. To set up the Lightpad Block in Bitwig as an XYZ Pad:
- Select "XYZ Pad" in ROLI Dashboard.
- Create an Instrument Track in Bitwig.
- Insert an XY Instrument by clicking the "+" button inside the Instrument Track, then finding and double-clicking on "XY Instrument"
- Click "A, B, C and D", then to insert each instrument, click the blue "+" button.
Preparing ROLI Dashboard to map MIDI CC in Bitwig:
Use Bitwig's "Map to Controller or Key" function to assign each XYZ Pad axis to a parameter. To avoid any confusion when mapping each parameter to its respective axis, use the following process:
In Dashboard, set "Send" to "X," so that only the X dimension is set. Sending only one parameter at a time will make MIDI mapping easy.
Next, in Bitwig, create an XY Effect➝ Select the parameter in Bitwig you wish to modulate➝ Right Click on "X"➝ Touch the Lightpad Block, and you'll see the parameter's knob move. Finally, click "Stop Mapping" to finalize the mapping assignment.
In ROLI Dashboard, set "Send" to "Y."
Select the parameter in Bitwig you wish to modulate➝ Right Click on "Y"➝ Now touch the Lightpad Block, and you'll see the parameter's knob move. Finally, click "Stop Mapping" to finalize the mapping assignment.
Then, in ROLI Dashboard, set "Send" to "Z.".
Create any Audio Effect (e.g., Reverb)➝ Select the parameter in Bitwig you wish to modulate➝ Right Click on "Z"➝ Now touch the Lightpad Block, and you'll see the parameter's knob move. Finally, click "Stop Mapping" to finalize the mapping assignment.
Finally, in ROLI Dashboard set "Send" to "All."
Fader Block mode allows you to map and control parameters in Bitwig using your Lightpad Block. You'll be able to map volume and pan settings, delay and filter settings, and a variety of other parameters to your Lightpad Block. In this example, we'll use the Fader Block mode to allow you to control the step sequencer in Bitwig. This tool can control filter adjustments over time in rhythmic sequence.
- Create Instrument Track in Bitwig.
- Select the "Fader Block Mode" in ROLI Dashboard.
- Insert Step Mod by pressing the white "+" button on the Instrument Track.
- Right-click on each step and choose "Map to Controller or Key".
Setting Bitwig’s built-in instruments to respond to the BLOCK's dimension’s of touch
Assigning modulation in Bitwig’s built-in instruments is very simple. Just click on the modulator, then click and drag on the parameter you wish to modulate. In the following examples, we have loaded Bitwig’s PolySynth and are editing it in the Device panel at the bottom of the screen.
Setting Strike
Strike is recognized by Bitwig as "VEL."
Click VEL to start mapping. The available parameters will be highlighted in green. Click and drag on the parameter to set the modulation amount, then click VEL again to finish mapping.
Setting Press
Press is recognized by Bitwig as "PRES."
Click PRES to start mapping. The available parameters will be highlighted in green. Click and drag on the parameter to set the modulation amount, then click PRES again to finish mapping.
Setting Slide
Slide is recognized by Bitwig as "TIMB."
Click TIMB to start mapping. The available parameters will be highlighted in green. Click and drag on the parameter to set the modulation amount, then click TIMB again to finish mapping.
Setting Lift
Lift is recognized by Bitwig as “REL”.
Click REL to start mapping. The available parameters will be highlighted in green. Click and drag on the parameter to set the modulation amount, then click REL again to finish mapping.