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Seaboard Midi vs Audio

Hey, I'm new to working with MPE - I have understood that due to lack of support for MPE instruments that many DAW's have rather cumbersome work arounds - like Ableton, which I use. Can someone suggest a workflow whereby I can just manipulate AUDIO from Equator direct from my DAW? I can't seem to get my brain around getting it to work. Any advice would be appreciated and I'm sure I'm not the only one! (Roli: please pressure Ableton to support MPE as standard!)

Best Answer

To be able to manipulate audio from EQUATOR inside Ableton you will either have a few options.

  1. Use the above mentioned workarounds which can be found on the support page. And then route the output of the EQUATOR track to an audio track.
  2. Use this awesome custom midi control script which takes care of all of the workaround issues automatically:
    And then route the output of the EQUATOR track to an audio track.
  3. Route the audio from EQUATOR standalone into your DAW using either:
  • Audio interface "Loopback" function
  • "Soundflower", "Jack", "Max", or some other software audio routing program.
  • Physically route the outputs to inputs on your audio interface using real cables. BE CAREFUL WITH FEEDBACK LOOPS (Only works if you have more than 2 outputs and you set EQUATOR to output to secondary outputs - not the ones going to your speakers).

1 person has this question

I found blackhole is a simple lightweight solution. Its only about 200kb and installs as a new output for equator, cypher etc

Just go to audio setting in equator and select 'blackhole' as output, then in Ableton select 'blackhole' as audio input to record from.

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To be able to manipulate audio from EQUATOR inside Ableton you will either have a few options.

  1. Use the above mentioned workarounds which can be found on the support page. And then route the output of the EQUATOR track to an audio track.
  2. Use this awesome custom midi control script which takes care of all of the workaround issues automatically:
    And then route the output of the EQUATOR track to an audio track.
  3. Route the audio from EQUATOR standalone into your DAW using either:
  • Audio interface "Loopback" function
  • "Soundflower", "Jack", "Max", or some other software audio routing program.
  • Physically route the outputs to inputs on your audio interface using real cables. BE CAREFUL WITH FEEDBACK LOOPS (Only works if you have more than 2 outputs and you set EQUATOR to output to secondary outputs - not the ones going to your speakers).

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I have a similar situation with Studio One 3. I'm able to record, but I  have no sound on playback.

Hi folks

I have tried the latest version of Jack2 in Windows 10. It works in Ableton Live 10.1, but Equator bombs when one selects the Jack router driver in ASIO. Anyone has experience with that ?

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