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seaboard block missing note on garageband (using mpe mode)

Hi. I bought roli seaboard block last week and I am testing a lot of things.

There is a missing note on garageband When I play in MPE mode.

(It's not always the same note, like sometime c.. sometimes e...) 

Is this normal? I heard garageband support 100% MPE with roli.

The problem is same in mac and ios.

If I go to multi or single mode in dashboard (in case of ios, unsupport the MPE in setting), it works perfect.

Does anyone have the same problem as me?

This is a link of my seaboard

Best Answer

Hi Byunggun,

Thanks for asking about this. GarageBand's guitars (and some of its string presets) are not MPE compatible, as they treat certain MIDI channels as applying to specific strings. This means that if you play a note below the range of the string for the MIDI channel on which the note is sent, a note will not actually sound. 

I recommend using Single Channel mode for GarageBand's guitars and other string instruments that behave like this.


Hi Byunggun,

Thanks for your reply. To be clear, this is an issue with these particular GarageBand instruments and the way they interpret MIDI data – it's not a problem with Seaboard Blocks. To use these GarageBand instruments with MPE controllers like Seaboards, simply select Single Channel mode.

Our articles have been updated to reflect this limitation of GarageBand's, and for more information on GarageBand's MIDI handling of the affected instruments I recommend you contact Apple.


Thanks red.

It helped a lot.
Thank you for your kind reply.


Hi Byunggun,

Thanks for asking about this. GarageBand's guitars (and some of its string presets) are not MPE compatible, as they treat certain MIDI channels as applying to specific strings. This means that if you play a note below the range of the string for the MIDI channel on which the note is sent, a note will not actually sound. 

I recommend using Single Channel mode for GarageBand's guitars and other string instruments that behave like this.


OK I understand. 

So all the seaboard blocks have the same problems right?


I was disappointed that nothing about this was on the website.

At least I want to know which instruments are not supported by the Garageband.

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