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Seaboard Rise : Pitch Bend range on a single note

Is there a way to have a full PB range on a single note, without having to slide out of the keywave ? 

What I'm looking for is a way to strike a chord and make a vibrato effect, like I would on a violin. 

Currently I cannot really output PB values beyond 62 and 66 with Glide sensitivity at maximum... And as far as I understand, the PB range in Dashboard does not have any effect on this. 

I hope I'm clear enough. 

Best Answer

Hi Louis, 

As long as your Seaboard RISE is in MPE mode and you're connected to an MPE-compatible instrument, the 'Pitch Bend Range' in ROLI Dashboard should absolutely have any effect. 

Try setting your RISE's Glide sensitivity to maximum and the 'Pitch Bend Range' in Dashboard to a low number (2 or 4) to exaggerate the effect. While it won't necessarily give you a "full pitch bend" range, you should have a wider range for vibrato. The playability may be difficult, so it's worth experimenting with the Glide sensitivity and Pitch Bend Range settings to suit. 

I hope this helps! Let us know if you have any other questions. 


Thanks for the answer. I'll make further testing and get back if it's not working as expected. 

I cannot use Glide at maximum because it makes me unable to play adjacent notes. 


Hi Louis, 

As long as your Seaboard RISE is in MPE mode and you're connected to an MPE-compatible instrument, the 'Pitch Bend Range' in ROLI Dashboard should absolutely have any effect. 

Try setting your RISE's Glide sensitivity to maximum and the 'Pitch Bend Range' in Dashboard to a low number (2 or 4) to exaggerate the effect. While it won't necessarily give you a "full pitch bend" range, you should have a wider range for vibrato. The playability may be difficult, so it's worth experimenting with the Glide sensitivity and Pitch Bend Range settings to suit. 

I hope this helps! Let us know if you have any other questions. 


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