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MPE-Utility script for Ableton Live

I wrote a MIDI Remote Script which automates the tedious set up process of the midi tracks for Ableton Live. Here's a short demo video:

You'll get the Script (and instructions) from GitHub, try it out if you like!

Some users have verified that the script works (vi-control and Ableton forums), and I use it myself. However, if you encounter any bugs, please inform me so I can fix those :) And all feedback and  suggestions are welcome. There are some ideas listed in the Readme already though.


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Wow, thank you so much :) I'm really looking forward to the email from Ableton telling me that the new version of Live supports MPE :D

P.S. On Windows 10, never change the usb port of your Seaboard when you have made your instrument racks. Because you might have to change the MIDI input of the racks afterwards.

Juho Hella -- THANK YOU!!!! 

This is such an awesome time saver and seems to be working great so far, without a glitch (on Live 10, MacOS). 

Ableton's slow support of MPE has been frustrating and it keeps me from using my ROLI Seaboard more often. Sorry, just had to vent a little. 

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Thanks for the feedback and the kind words!

I added a zip "MPE_Util" to the release, no need to rename the script folder anymore :)

I updated the script a bit too, now the number of MPE channel tracks to be created can be defined with a number added after the postfix, e.g. "-creatempe8".


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Thanks so much for this.  This is going to save me a lot of mousing around until ableton adds mpe support.

Currently the zip file unzips to MPE_Util-master.  I wasn't sure there were any coding for the original name, so I renamed the folder MPE_Util, just in case.

It took me a while to sort everything out.  The first mistake I made was assuming that I should set my Seaboard Block as input and output in the upper section of the MIDI Preferences popup.  Your video clarified this eventually, but it flew by pretty quick the first time I watched it.

Of course I had to try grouping the Ghost Midi input track with the 16 midi tracks.  I see now why I should not do that.

This works well with my Seaboard Block.  There is a Songmaker Kit mode that allows the Lightpad block to emulate the 3 sliders and the XY pad of a Seaboard Rise.  This worked correctly with your script.

Thanks again! Very nice indeed!

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